Wow – it is almost May already!

If you are like me, you are in the thick of revision with your IB2 students preparing them for their exams in May. If you are using the book, I encourage you to direct your students to download the solutions to the Paper 3-style questions using the link at the top of the page of selected solutions near the end of the book.

If you are planning on ordering books for next year, feel free to send me an email listing the number of books you require, the address to which you would like them sent and your preference as to method of payment. As I would like to send my overseas orders in July, I would appreciate receiving orders before that time. Again, if you prefer, you may also order the book through a number of distributors, most notably Richard Heath’s I.B. Bookshop in the U.K. and in the U.S.

Lastly, I would like to share my latest article, entitled “Time For Some Mattress Padding” which was written for publication in the Pembroke Daily Observer and then picked up by the Mises Canada website and from there, much to my delight, by Zerohedge.

All the best as you move your students towards success in their exams.

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